
An Introduction

Hi folks,

Welcome to my blog! Thank you very much for visiting!

A little about me: My name is Valkyrie, and I have been interested in plants for as long as I can remember.

As a typical kiwi kid (at least I think so), I spend a lot of time outdoors, walking up mountains and along rivers, rock hopping and splashing in every puddle available.

What was probably not so typical is that I'd constantly uproot mum's plants or tear parts off to plant in my sand pit......

......and they'd somehow survive.

This seems to have been a pretty good omen for the future, because I graduated from the University of Otago in December 2016 with a Bachelor of Science Majoring in Botany, and Minoring in Physical Geography.

The reason I am starting this blog is directly related to my degree. You see, plants are very complex organisms, and therefore I will always have more to learn. So much so that I doubt there is even the slightest chance that I will ever stop learning.

However, the unfortunate truth is that my mind is like a sieve and I need to write everything down. There are a few issues with this strategy - paper gets lost or damaged, files on a computer corrupt or get deleted accidentally. My luck with my notes is simply terrible.

But as my stepmother always said, everything you put on the internet will be there FOREVER! So I figured this is probably my best bet. This blog is not just a fun project for me, it is where I am going to store all of my notes on individual plant species for revision purposes.

And since I am using the internet, I thought: Why not? Lets make it public.

However, there are a few warnings I must impart:

1) I am not exactly predictable. I will most likely update randomly or not at all for long periods of time.

2) The information contained on these pages can be wrong - don't consider this a botanical bible.

3) I am not 100% at identifying random pictures of plants. If you want something identified, I can try but I will not guarantee any answers.

4) Just because my blog says a species is edible, doesn't mean you should eat it without further research into the health risks. In fact, I wouldn't recommend you do at all...

So I hope you enjoy reading about the different plant species as much as I do :)
~Valkyrie Coulter

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